Operating Systems
PARSEC Group offers a full range of consulting & support services for your enterprise-level operating systems. Our training tracks go hand-in-hand with our services for the systems we support.
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Featured Training - Free MEP 4-Part Series!
Welcome to the Masters Education Program (MEP) by PARSEC Group! We are excited to introduce our first publicly available training series, "OpenVMS for UNIX Users".
This four-part seminar is designed to introduce users of the various UNIX platforms to the OpenVMS operating system. In it, we'll take your well-known Unix /Linux /Tru64 /etc. commands and learn what the equivalent command would be within OpenVMS. Naturally, this means that a system manager familiar with OpenVMS may be able to reverse engineer the Unix style commands as well.
Part 1 of "OpenVMS for UNIX Users"
This section is the fundamental beginning of what you may need to do if you are thrown into the OpenVMS operating system with no guidance from others.
Introduction - The OpenVMS community has been getting older every year for a couple decades. It reached a point in recent years where a large number of system managers were retiring. Since the OS is so stable, the applications running upon it are deemed critical for corporations. Thus, the result is that for the first time in a couple decades, the average age of an OpenVMS system manager is actually going down. The people tapped to take over the responsibilities of the retiring OpenVMS system manager are typically ones that support other OS architectures such as Linux, HPUX, Solaris, AIX, Tru64 UNIX, IRIX, or even the dreaded Windows platform.
Assistance Commands - This involves a lengthy discussion about how the OpenVMS equivalent of the apropos and man commands from the Unix world is the HELP command. We demonstrate how the HELP information is layered and thus where you can look to determine the proper syntax of any command within OpenVMS. Instead of a gigantic man page that is, potentially, a hundred screens long, you instead get a table of contents that allows you to drill down into the minutia of the command without having to read the other 99 screens of information.
Stay Tuned for the Full Series!
This is just Part 1 of the series! In the next sessions we'll cover:
- The OpenVMS File System and File Operation Commands
- Disk, File, and Folder Size / Usage Commands and File Editing
- Administration Commands, Informational Commands, and PIPE
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